Star Drooker Polaroid Grid / by vegan busdriver

Star Drooker Polaroid Grid of Derek Goodwin in the Vegan Bus

Star Drooker Polaroid Grid of Derek Goodwin in the Vegan Bus

On our way to Burning Man 2007 we stopped somewhere for something, and Star created this Polaroid photo grid of me sitting in the driver seat of the bus staring out into the evening's golden sunlight. Photographers sometimes call this "god lighting" or something akin to that. It makes skin glow.

Check out more of Star's grids at his Salmonboy Studios website. Star is the owner of a vegan cafe in Northampton, MA called Cafe Evolution, where one can see lots of his amazing photo grids up close and in person. Evolution is also the home of Oh Sweet Mama's Vegan Bakery.