haunted bus

Halloween 2007 Photos by vegan busdriver

Going back in time a bit, our 2007 Haunted Bus Halloween Party was a great success. The bus looked amazing thanks to the interior decorating efforts of Gina Gates and Megan LaBonte. DJ Brando rocked Cafe Evolution with his global dance beats, there were people dancing on the tables and having all sorts of fun. The one downer was that I accidentally overwrote the photos I took that night on my memory card, and the documentation of the event was forever lost. I was therefor delighted to find out a couple months ago that my friend Amy Manix had taken a few photos at the event, and at least we have these 8 photographs to remember it with... thanks Amy! [gallery=halloween_2007]

The Haunted Bus Halloween Party by vegan busdriver

Join us for another amazing fundraiser for the VEGAN BUS featuring LIVE MUSIC from THE KENNEDY's, Haunting Grooves from DJ BRANDO, Heather Bargeron’s INCREDIBLE PIZZA, Oh Sweet Mama’s DECADENT VEGAN BAKED GOODS, Raffles, Games, SCARY VIDEO CLIPS (on the cafe’s big screen tv!), FIRE DANCING with Jess, Amanda and Chaos, BELLY DANCING with vegan bellydancers Shaina and Sugati, HULA HOOPING with HOOP MASTER SASS, BYOB, of course a COSTUME CONTEST and we will humbly accept a $5-$10 suggested donation.

RIDE THE HAUNTED VEGAN BUS! We will be accepting donations to ride our otherworldly vegetable-powered bus with crazy costumed people to horribly haunted places, while we tell terrifying tales of our travels and grease piracy on the high plains!

KIDS WELCOME from 7 to 9pm, we will be showing THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS on the big screen and handing out free vegan Halloween Candy. PIZZA, Drinks and VEGAN BAKED GOODS will be available for purchase. The Haunted Bus will be parked outside for chills and thrills!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007 from 7PM until Midnight

Cafe Evolution

22 Chestnut Street Florence, MA 01062 413-586-0200

graveyard background image in flyer is from www.sinisterfonts.com